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Collections such as the Cycle , Recovery, Sleep, and Workout Collections can include a large number of records. Responses to queries on the collection may be truncated, but you can paginate through the results to read the full collection.

The Collection APIs return a token to represent the current page on each response. You send that token on the subsequent request to retrieve the next page. You iterated through all pages if the next_token field is empty on the response.

Using the' limit' header, you can also control how many records the API endpoint returns per page. However, the API endpoint will not return more than the max allowed value (API Docs specify the max value on each endpoint).


Let's query a user's sleep for the first three months of 2022. We make the first request specifying the query parameters for start and end.


The request returns each sleep in the records field and a next_token, which we can use on the request to get the next page.

"records": [
"next_token": "eyIkIjoib0AxIiwibyI6MTB9"

The next_token can be placed on the subsequent request to fetch the next page of Sleeps using the same query parameters.


You can continue paginating in this manner to retrieve all pages until the next_token is empty.