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Authenticating with WHOOP (with Passport)

Though Javascript is a primary language for client-side application development, all requests to WHOOP must be made server-side. This tutorial does not propose or require a given framework for building Javascript server-side applications. Some examples of Javascript server-side frameworks are express.js and next.js.

You can choose from one of the many OAuth 2.0 libraries. In this tutorial, we will use Passport for authentication. Specifically, this will use the passport-oauth2 package.

Install Dependencies

npm install passport passport-oauth2

Additionally, if you're using Typescript, you'll want to include the type definitions as well:

npm install @types/passport @types/passport-oauth2

Configure The Strategy

We first need to define the data Passport will need to complete the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow, stored in a configuration.

const whoopOAuthConfig = {
authorizationURL: `${process.env.WHOOP_API_HOSTNAME}/oauth/oauth2/auth`,
tokenURL: `${process.env.WHOOP_API_HOSTNAME}/oauth/oauth2/token`,
clientID: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.CLIENT_SECRET,
callbackURL: process.env.CALLBACK_URL,
state: true,
scope: [

The data elements are:

  • authorizationURL: The WHOOP URL prompts a user to sign in to WHOOP and authorize your application. Learn more
  • tokenURL: The WHOOP URL to exchange an authorization code for an access token. Learn more
  • clientID: A unique identifier for your client. Learn more
  • clientSecret: A secret value that accompanies your client identifier. Learn more
  • callbackURL: WHOOP will redirect the user to this location after the user authorizes your application. Learn more
  • state: Set this to true to have the strategy define the state value that WHOOP will pass back to your app. Learn more
  • scope: A list of the data types and operations your app can access. We are requesting the offline scope to retrieve a refresh token and read:profile to access User Profile information from the WHOOP API in this example. You need to add the relevant scopes your app needs access. Learn more

Determine What To Do After Authentication Succeeds

Passport needs a function to execute once the OAuth flow is complete. What occurs in that function is specific to your application.

In this example, we will use the received information from the OAuth flow to save the user to our database using Prisma. But, of course, what your application does with this may differ.

const getUser = async (
) => {
const {first_name, last_name, user_id} = profile

const createUserParams = {
expiresAt: + expires_in * 1000,
firstName: first_name,
lastName: last_name,
userId: user_id,

const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
where: {userId: user_id},
create: createUserParams,
update: createUserParams,

done(null, user)

Passport will pass in several parameters that we can use in our application-specific logic:

  • accessToken: the access token to retrieve user information from the WHOOP API. For future requests, your app must pass the Access Token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header. We will use this as an example below to retrieve profile data.
  • refreshToken: Your app can use the Refresh Token to retrieve a new access token after expiration. Learn more
  • results: this is an object that contains fields for access_token, expires_in, scope, and token_type.
  • profile: the normalized representation of a user's profile data. The Passport library will populate the profile because we later tell Passport how to get user profile information.
  • done: a callback function accepting errors and the user as the parameters.

Given all that information, we are extracting the user's first name, last name, and WHOOP user id from their profile and storing that in our database, along with their active tokens.

Note that Passport's documentation shows a function that takes four parameters. Using this won't have the information about when the token expires, so we're instead, we're relying on a less-common variant for this data.

Get User Profile Information

WHOOP includes an API endpoint to access user profile details, which your app will have access to if the app requests (and the user authorizes) the read:profile scope.

const fetchProfile = async (
) => {
const profileResponse = await fetch(
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

const profile = await profileResponse.json()

done(null, profile)

This async function uses Javascript's Fetch API to make a request to the WHOOP profile endpoint, passing in the access token we receive from a successful OAuth 2.0 flow as a bearer token in the Authorization header.

The function returns the user's profile information. Passport normalizes received profile information.

Use The WHOOP Strategy

Now that we have all of the individual pieces built, it's time to put them together.

const whoopAuthorizationStrategy = new OAuth2Strategy(whoopOAuthConfig, getUser)
whoopAuthorizationStrategy.userProfile = fetchProfile

passport.use('withWhoop', whoopAuthorizationStrategy)

Here we are building a strategy, passing it our WHOOP configuration and telling it what to do when a user is authenticated - which is to save or get the user from our database.

We're also telling the strategy to use our ability to fetch profile information.

Lastly, we're telling Passport itself to use our newly-created strategy.

Authenticate With WHOOP

We need to authenticate requests using passport.authenticate(). Where this gets invoked will depend on your framework of choice. Let's assume an Express application.


passport.authenticate('withWhoop', {failureRedirect: '/login'}),
function (req, res) {

How this gets invoked in your middleware stack or routing layer will depend on the framework you're using.


After going through this tutorial, you have learned:

  • How to build a custom Passport OAuth 2.0 strategy to complete the OAuth flow with WHOOP.
  • Where to add your custom logic to handle user management and persistence.
  • How to access a user's profile information and tell Passport about it to automatically retrieve user information from WHOOP.
  • How to connect those individual pieces with Passports OAuth 2.0 package.

The next step for you is to plug this into whatever framework or middleware you're using to trigger Passport to authenticate.